If you would like to make a formal complaint about the service you have received at Pelargos IVF, please email us on [email protected], with “Formal Complaint” as the subject. You will receive an acknowledgement within five days of us receiving your formal complaint. You must make your formal complaint within 6 months of your last treatment with us. All parties involved will be required to make a statement on your complaint and the care you received. You will receive a full response within 25 working days of us receiving your formal complaint, or where the investigation is still in progress, an email explaining the reason for the delay will be sent to you and a full response made within five days of a conclusion being reached. All complaints regarding IVF treatment will be dealt in accordance to the guidelines set out by our the National Authority and also our internal policies and protocols, as a company our clinic keeps a record of all complaints, investigations and their outcomes. We have procedures in place to ensure that improvements to our service and practice are made in relation to complaints we receive. We regularly audit and implement changes in order to improve our service.