Laparoscopy is an operation performed through small incisions (usually 0.5–1.5 cm) with the aid of a camera. The laparoscopy can be used for diagnosis or therapeutic interventions with a few small cuts in the abdomen. A camera is inserted usually through a small incision in the belly button, with the aid of which, pelvic organs are enlighten and projected to a screen. We can take a video of the procedure.

Through other small incisions, we can also insert specially designed laparoscopic instruments, which are connected to energy sources and can cut, coagulate, cause hemostasis, or remove organs. Suturing can also be done. Technological revolution gives us HD screens with clear and easily magnified image.



Can all gynecological surgeries be done laparoscopically?

Since 1975 , when the first invasive laparoscopy in gynecology happened , laparoscopy has been constantly improving and expanding. Indications of open surgery in laparoscopy are nowadays restricted. Rapid development of new technologies and invention of new sources of energy used and modern instruments, have turned restrictions of laparoscopy to a minimum. All gynecological surgeries can be done nowadays laparoscopically by doctors with the relevant training and experience and for more than 90% of them , there are strong benefits from laparoscopy in comparison to the open route.

Why prefer laparoscopy for my surgery? Are there risks in laparoscopy?

Apart from the obvious aesthetic advantages of small incisions, there are lots of other benefits with minimal invasive surgery like laparoscopy.
• Hospital post operation stay is usually reduced to one day
• Going back to your normal activities time is also reduced
• Post operative pain is less
• Wound suppuration rate is less
• Blood loss and risk of blood clots are less
• Risk of post operative hernias is less

Of course laparoscopy like any surgical procedure is not without risks
Complication rate is inversely propotional to the surgeon’s experience in laparoscopic procedures and directly proporsional to the difficulty of the surgery itself. Patients with lots of abdominal surgeries before, severe endometriosis and frozen full of adhesions pelvis are at increased risk of complications like injuries to bowel, bladder and vessels. Risk though, with the right techniques and precautions is minimum.
Abdominal bloating, pain in the scars and shoulders and back are quite common after laparoscopic surgeries , because of the air used to bloat abdomen.

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