Angelika Thiele

Yoga and Shiatsu Practitioner

Angelika is from Germany , but for the last years, she  has been working in Greece. She is a fluent German and English speaker, but also speaks Greek.

Angelika, is our Yoga teacher and Shiatsu practitioner. She has got a Diploma and is registered in Germany as a Shiatsu practitioner . She also  has,  a certificate for Hatha /Vinyasa Yoga by the Swaha Yoga Center and a continual professional Development Certificate, at Chakra and Meridien  by Harmoni.

Either you try for a pregnancy or you are already pregnant and you are interested in yoga or shiatsu , contact us and we shall refer you to her. 

Ατζέλικα Θιέλε - Yoga και Εγκυμοσύνη - Πιλάτες - Εγκυμοσύνη - Αθήνα - Ελλάδα - Pelargos Ivf

Always there to care.

Ask for a virtual consultation or clinic appointment with Ms. Thiele

    Get Your Quote or Call: +30 210 777 9802